28 October 2011

Founders Day Festivities

A few weekends ago our city had the founders day celebration and parade. Mason's school signed up to walk in the parade. It was about half a mile and mom did the majority of the walking - good exercise :)
The school had a nice turnout and I think all the kids had fun. After the parade and some rest we went to the carnival that afternoon. We got Mason a wristband and let him wear himself out for 2 hours. While we were waiting for a ride to start I heard a kid say "there's mason." Turns out one of Mason's classmates recognized him and we had no idea! Kids are too smart, I tell ya. So, for the last hour we were there Mason rode the rides with his buddies. It was very cute to watch.

My sweet babies!

Boys on a train

Boo at the Zoo - 2011

Robert discovered that the Zoo does a nighttime train ride during the Halloween season and the kids can wear their costumes. My son loves trains, so it seemed like something cool to check out. It was pretty cool. We rode the train (wasn't quite dark yet) but both kids loved the train ride. At the end they got candy from some pirates. After the train ride you are able to walk around the zoo in the dark. You can't see all the animals but its cool to see a lion and tiger at night. My kids love outside so they were happy campers.
It was also fun to see the kids in their costumes!
My firefighter!
My lil pumpkin witch :)

Seguin Rodeo

The same day we had our rain storm, we also visited the Seguin Rodeo. My dear friend came with me as Robert had to work. We went early so it was not crowded at all. We spent a few hours exploring the rides and checking out the livestock show. We missed the rain by a matter of minutes.

Autumn was not sitting on the sidelines this time!
This was pretty cool. The kids loved it-we rode it several times.

Mason sat still for some face painting. He loved his snake-he would not let me wash it off until the next day.
Autumn loved this turtle. She kept reaching for its face, thankfully it didn't bite her. Yes, there is a goat standing on the turtle.

Mason and Autumn really enjoyed this petting zoo.

Rainy Day

About 3 weeks ago, we had our first decent rain in months. We were able to break out Mason's raincoat. The kids loved playing in the rain :)
We really haven't had much rain since, just a day or so. At least Mason was able to wear his coat once before he grows out of it.


25 October 2011


Mason went to the dentist today with Robert. It appears from the pictures Robert sent me that he let Jenny look in his mouth and use the polisher on his teeth. He doesn't even look scared!
Thanks Jenny for letting Mason tag along :)

24 October 2011

G's Birthday and Go Rangers!

We went to G's birthday party on Saturday. G's party was green and firetrucks. The real fire department came by and the kids loved it. I was able to get a few pics on my phone.
It was at the park so the kids played for several hours and had a great time.
Later that evening we went to another friends house and had a Rangers watch party. Kids were great and all played nicely ~ go Rangers!
*The Rangers lost, but it was still fun to hang out*
Mason and G

07 October 2011

Texas State Campus

A few weekends ago, I took the kids to the Texas State campus so I could get a few good pictures to document Mason being 3. I must say the original plan was 5 mile dam, but with this drought its more like 5 mile dirt pile. So, we headed over to campus. Yes, my kids are sporting Auburn attire, but how perfect is that anyway?? At the student center Autumn headed straight for the doors and we ended up going inside. There were a few groups meeting for BA but they were polite and let me kids explore. I took them into the library where my BA book (#8 - Christ be our light!!) is still on the shelf. I flipped to a picture of me and asked Mason who is this? Mason knew every time. Makes me feel like I haven't changed that much :)
We then walked around campus a good hour, to the point Autumn fell asleep while I carried her. I did get some cute pictures and was able to document a few of my college memories with my kids before they all get torn down!
In front of the Catholic Student Center.
Laurel Hall - I was a RA here back in the day
In the Quad. I know Mason is small but I just loved this picture. The building way in back is Old Main
The library. I really was here alot too :)

Mason's 3rd Birthday Party

Mason's birthday party was a few weeks ago at our local Jumpy Place. Mason had a wonderful day! Both sets of grandparents, a great-grandma and two aunts were present, along with several of our dear friends. All the kids played super hard and had a blast. I wish I had more action pictures but none of the kids were really into posing for me. Oh well. Needless to say it was a great day.
Right now, Mason is still into Cars. It seemed perfect.

Blow out the candle!
Happy Birthday to my little man!


Happy Anniversary to us! After five years we have a great family and are so blessed to have everything we do. Looking forward to the next years to come-I love you honey!

05 October 2011

National Night Out

National Night Out was last night, and we walked over to our pool area to see the excitement. We were hoping to see the firetruck and ambulance, but we had to leave about midway through and they had not arrived. Instead, we saw the police car, the moonwalks and the kids got some balloon animals.

This was the best I could do - Autumn did not want to pose for a picture, she was too busy trying to go play!
Waiting for their balloons. They stood still long enough for a picture together!

Mason did not want to go in thr police car, so this was the best I could do. Getting a picture as the police car left.
As we were leaving the cow from Chick-fil-a arrived.

03 October 2011

Just a hand and a bag of groceries

I need to download pictures as I am behind on blogging. In the meantime, here are a few from my phone.

Autumn fell asleep next to her door one night and somehow this is where her hand ended up.
Mason loves H-E-Buddy.  Every time we go to HEB and he sees this thing we have to go see it. I honestly think its because when you do go talk to it you get a buddy buck. Mason likes putting the buddy buck in the machine and pushing the red button to make the wheel stop. Its become sort of a tradition when we go to the grocery store.