30 September 2010

Mason's 2 year pictures

I didn't take Mason to get his 2 year pictures like I wanted, so I decided to take some outdoor shots and make a collage to represent his 2 years. I have to say, I'm kinda proud of myself on what shots I got. Here are some of my favs :)

25 September 2010

All smiles!

My nanny sent me this picture yesterday and said Autumn was all smiles all day! It just made my heart melt :)

23 September 2010

Miss Autumn

Miss Autumn has had quite a bit going on. First, she is doing great with tummy time, she holds her head up great and rolls all over the place! She is very active and is at a point she wants to be sitting up more.
We recently had her checkup and she is 14lbs, 5oz and is 24.5 in. A very different baby from my little 5lb, 5oz sweetie I brought home!

Autumn also started cereal recently! Mommy is very slow about this, and right now we are eating plain ole rice cereal. Autumn is doing great with it. The first couple of days she pushed most of it out, but now when we eat she actually eats all of it! We just eat cereal at dinner right now, but soon she will eat during lunch as well. Eventually mommy will move her on to another cereal...

Yummy cereal!!
Autumn also got to see her great-grandma this past weekend while they were here for Mason's party. Mam -maw loves to see all her grandbabies. I think Autumn is great grandkid #18?? Well, she has many :) We are happy she came!

Mason is 2!!

Last week, my little man turned 2! Time flys!! We started the day great, Miss Lauren came over and the boys played hard. Parker ended up going home sick, so I decided to take Mason, Autumn and Miss Lauren out to lunch. He did great. He even had his first "happy birthday" sung to him in a restaurant. I am not sure he really liked it. He watched me to see what my reaction would be. He did like the chocolate cake they brought out for him to eat!

Yummy chocolate cake!!

That afternoon, when Robert got home we decided to take Mason to the local jumpy place here in Kyle. Mason had so much fun and wanted to go down the "big" slide several times. Poor daddy was tired :) After that we headed over to dairy queen for a late dinner and yes, more ice cream! Who says mommy can't be cool on your birthday?? We even let Mason stay up, so I was very happy when he slept until 7:30ish the next day. (Yes-that IS sleeping in for us!!)

Happy Birthday to me!!

On Saturday, we had a joint party for Mason and Parker. Parker was born 2 days after Mason and in the same hospital! We were there at the same time and didn't even know it :) The party was great. The theme was "sesame street/elmo" and all the decor and cake was awesome! The cake looked and tasted good-the top layer had blue icing so we had a few smurfs running around for a bit. The kids played so well, we tried a stick the nose on a lion game and had an Elmo pinata. Both games went great, I think. The boys enjoyed the new toys

they got and there was not much fighting, which impressed me as we had 7 kids around the age of 2 at the house. Overall it was a great day!

Parker and Mason blowing out the candle, well Parker did all the work!!
I think Mason had a great birthday week...now its on to bigger and better things!!