29 February 2012

General Updates

I feel like its been forever since I have documented events on here. I just want to take a moment and write down some of the wonderful things the kids are doing.

- Hugs. My kids give each other the most adorible hugs. I love to watch them. I love it when Mason will chase Autumn down and tell her "I want to give you a hug Autumn." Love that!
- Kisses. My son has started the "mom has cooties" and so all my kisses are wiped away. Doesn't stop momma from giving them, however :)
- Talking. Autumn's vocabulary seemed to explode overnight. I feel like I have conversations with her and can understand what she says back to me. Some of my favorites are "oh no!", "i don't know" and "ok mama." I love telling her something and her response is "ok mama."
- Cuddling. Autumn will now sit on the couch with me for small chunks of time. Well, when a cartoon is on. Mason will sit with me for a really long time regardless of whats on TV and I love my cuddle time with him.
- Smarts. Mason has learned so much over the past six months. Its crazy. Recently we went to a birthday party and Mason didn't want to go. We told him "this is Sally's party" in hopes to get him to change his mind. Mason was quiet for a second, then said "Its not Sally's party, its James's party." He was right. We can't put anything past him anymore.

20 February 2012

Squeezed Please!

Kids had a fun ole time helping daddy make lemonade yesterday. It was actually really good and I think we will be making more drinks with daddy's new juicer. Yeah for 5 year awards :)

06 February 2012

Froggin' Away

We met some friends at the local Gattitown last month, and Mason loved this ride.....

Autumn's First Haircut

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This actually occurred 29Dec11, I am just behind :)