26 August 2010

Girl's Night - are you sure?

I normally don't blog about girls night (too many secrets -ha!!) but last night we had a crasher!! And they were caught on camera! If anyone recognizes the culprits let us know :)


Mason and Parker are true buddies. They play very well together, and are really starting to share nicely. Just today, Parker was having a huge fit b/c he could not get to his daddy. Mason looked so sad, he didn;t know what was wrong with Parker and was trying to give him hugs. It was super cute :)
The boys decided to give Autumns chair a try...
Playing together at Reagan's pool party.
It makes me very happy indeed Mason has a buddy he enjoys!

Circus, Circus!!

Last friday, we took Mason to the Ringley Bros, Barnum & Bailey Circus. Kathryn and Lee joined us for this fun adventure! The boys did really well overall, we were all so proud of them. Mason was very laid back during the performances. He just sat on Robert's lap and watched. He was very interested in the elephants-that kept his attention very well. A few times he wanted up to explore, but for the most part he watched almost all of it. Lee was hysterical! He danced in front of us almost the entire time and did this funny little move that I can't even explain. This picture below represents Lee to a tee! Lee wanted to explore more than Mason, but thats a very typical 2 year old :)
Overall, we had a great time and are glad we went. We are having so much fun with Mason as he gets bigger, we can't wait for our next adventure!

The Sullivan Fam - 1 at the circus! (Baby Autumn stayed home with grandma)

Lee - perfect picture of the night!!

09 August 2010

Happy 4 month birthday my sweet girl!!

My sweet, sweet Autumn is growing up! Today she is 4 months. Where does the time go?? Autumn is getting stronger everyday, and is soooo close to rolling over. She is my little angel and I could not imagine life without her. And I thought I wanted another boy.....

Happy Birthday to my baby Autumn!! Love Mommy

03 August 2010

Weekend w/ the Grandparents....

A few weeks ago Mason had his first overnight with Grandma & Grandpa. According to them, he had a blast! Grandma picked Mason up early and off they went! Mason got to play in his pool and ride the lawn mover with grandpa. He also played all over the house and rode around in his cop car. Later that afternoon he had his first trip to Chuck e Cheese, which grandma reported he had fun there too.
Mason was pooped! Grandma said he went to sleep with no problems that night.
Mason came home the next day carrying a new Elmo toy and a huge smile. I could see he had a great time with the grandparents. Enjoy the pics!